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Art Appreciation

We have decided to widen the scope of the group to include art in a broader field to art in architecture, in textiles  e.g.William Morris and in different cultures. We shall continue to explore  schools of art and the artists connected with them  and cartoons with the hope of creating our own Christmas cards. We hope to have a further visit to St Martin on the hill Scarborough and Hull University Art Gallery and a visit to All Saints in Pocklington in lighter weather.


The group meets at White Lodge Rolston Rd on 3rd Tuesday of the month 2-4pm. We welcome anyone bringing their interest and knowledge to the group.




Programme  Jan - Sept 2025​​​​​​​​​



January 21st - Newlyn School of artists - at 14 Tansley Lane, Hornsea, HU18 1TS

February 16th (Sunday), meet 1pm for lunch - York Art Gallery - The art of wallpaper: Morris & Co - please note change of date

March 18th - University of Hull Art Gallery

April 15th - Ashington Group of artists - Sue

May 20th - Pocklington Church

June 17th - Victorian/Edwardian art - Alan

July 15th - Victorian/Edwardian art - Alan cont.

August 19th - no meeting

September16th - St Martin-on-the-Hill Church, Scarborough. Pre-Raphaelite works





Group Contact: Audrey Taylor -


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Registered Charity Number: 1181723

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